Hit In Neck Pani Is It Serious To Get Hit Hard In The Back Of The Head Near The Neck?

Is it serious to get hit hard in the back of the head near the neck? - hit in neck pani

While I was with my boyfriend, he accidentally hit me in the back of my head back and with a big headache. It was a day and night since the incident I am concerned, if something bad might happen. I have a real headache. All documents, he was to me a heads-up. Appreciated!


Confused said...

Any head injury can be severe.
Go get a doctor to make sure everythings ok to do.
You can concust but have no symptoms.
Do not replace the medical advice at Yahoo Answers please!

Good luck!

Sahmyel said...

Then beat on the back of the head can be very serious. If you still have a headache, you consult with your doctor. I had to do immediately if I were you. Do not delay longer.

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